Having just crossed the border to a brand new year, and looking back at the old one, the overall impression is that 2015 had quite a number of moments like the above.
Some of these moments, I'm sure, were created and reinforced through a deliberate mindset. The 2015 gratitude project, initiated in december 2014, forced me to sharpen my focus on moments like these, and my experience is - also in reality - that your mindset and your focus to great extend shapes your reality.
However 2015 has also been generous to me and my small business. All important milestones have been reached, the clients I dreamt of - both in number, sizes and attitudes have been landed, and so has the number, diversity and kinds of jobs and projects, I dreamt of. Moreover the professional development, I have searched for since start 2012 came through in 2015, and a professional freedom combined with close and inspiring working relationships was realized through a combination of running an independent business with being an associate consultant in larger organizations.
Most of the above have been realized through a fantastic network and close business relations.
I have tried to - and hopefully succeeded in expressing my gratitude to each and every one of you, who have contributed during 2015. I will not forget any of you, and I will be delighted to return your gestures in the future. Moreover I'll be determined to follow your example and do whatever I can to contribute to others as well.
During the coming week, the first week of 2015, my goals and aspiration for 2016 will be worded in a 2016 work/life plan. The butterfly mentioned in my former blog post is fortunately back to normal strength and energy, but writing this post makes it feels as if an entire family of butterflies are now dancing and celebrating in my stomach.
I am looking very much forward to a 2016 with continued focus on changes and transformations.
Thank you so much to all of you who have contributed and/or chosen to work with me during 2015!!!
It's been one of the best years in a very long time, and I am very determined to find ways to bring even more value to my clients, network, friends and family during 2016.
Warm regards
Some of these moments, I'm sure, were created and reinforced through a deliberate mindset. The 2015 gratitude project, initiated in december 2014, forced me to sharpen my focus on moments like these, and my experience is - also in reality - that your mindset and your focus to great extend shapes your reality.
However 2015 has also been generous to me and my small business. All important milestones have been reached, the clients I dreamt of - both in number, sizes and attitudes have been landed, and so has the number, diversity and kinds of jobs and projects, I dreamt of. Moreover the professional development, I have searched for since start 2012 came through in 2015, and a professional freedom combined with close and inspiring working relationships was realized through a combination of running an independent business with being an associate consultant in larger organizations.
Most of the above have been realized through a fantastic network and close business relations.
I have tried to - and hopefully succeeded in expressing my gratitude to each and every one of you, who have contributed during 2015. I will not forget any of you, and I will be delighted to return your gestures in the future. Moreover I'll be determined to follow your example and do whatever I can to contribute to others as well.
During the coming week, the first week of 2015, my goals and aspiration for 2016 will be worded in a 2016 work/life plan. The butterfly mentioned in my former blog post is fortunately back to normal strength and energy, but writing this post makes it feels as if an entire family of butterflies are now dancing and celebrating in my stomach.
I am looking very much forward to a 2016 with continued focus on changes and transformations.
Thank you so much to all of you who have contributed and/or chosen to work with me during 2015!!!
It's been one of the best years in a very long time, and I am very determined to find ways to bring even more value to my clients, network, friends and family during 2016.
Warm regards