Been formally Prosci Change Management & ADKAR certified today with these bright guys and girls at 7N today.
Been at work from 8-19 today, and starting again tomorrow at 8.
In bed early, and noticing the blackbird outside. Openingen my garden door, and listening to the Summer evening lullaby. (not my own picture) Coming home from work to hear that my son has kept his self-chosen no-sugar agreement focus, even on a day when all the eldest students at school was been giving away lots and lots of sweets as part of their last-day-at-school-event.
As usual he has collected quite a few caramels, but this year he didn't eat even one himself. Instead he gave it all away to the younger children, the ones in his class who were too scared to go out there to get the sweets on their own, and a couple of handfull for his sister. Love your mindset my dear. Grateful for being your mother. Driving back from a couple of days in Copenhagen. Changing trains, and finding a bench in the evening sun.
Breathing deeply, feeling the warmth of the sun on my face, and suddenly noticing the lyrics in my ears; “Look up from your screen, listen to your heart, feel the world...” Looking up from my phone and noticing the commercial on the other side of the station; "The most simple things can bring the most happiness..." Back at Copenhagen Island as a process consultant during leadership training.
A great day full of impressions, observations, reflections, interactions and learnings, and now back in my room, once again with a view to the sea, as a courtesy from the reception, and at the same time this beautiful view on my wall. I absolutely love water! And getting up at five this morning, feeling really grateful that sleep is now within reach. Last week my son came home and asked whether he could possibly earn a recognition of some kind if he didn't eat candy, cake, chips and ice cream or drank sodas or limonade for a year.
My respons was that I was absolutely interested in a negotiation. And so we did. He would like to earn some money, and I accepted, calculating the estimated amount spend on the above products on a weekly basis, and multiplied that with 52. Totally random his request equaled the calculation I had made, and we shook hands. The year started yesterday, and I have decided to join him. Only exception to the above actually allowed is dark chocolate above 70% cocoa. Grateful for his suggestion, grateful that our second day has gone well, and that he actually turned down cake at school, and later also cake as well as ice cream at a friends' house after school. Well done Julius! I'm proud of you. Let's keep the spirit. Today I am grateful for an untroubled breathing.
Went for a run today - after a little too many "rest"days. Wasn't in the mood at all. But did it anyway, and ended up having the best run this year. Returned back home more than five hours ago, but standing here watching the yellow oilseed rape fields in Sweden, I am still feeling excited about something as simple as an untroubled breathing during a run in the forest. Grateful for having been invited to the Kronborg Castle today by this beautiful friend.
Spend a few afternoon listening to professional storytellers inviting us to get in touch with laughter as well as tears in these fantastic surroundings. I absolutely wouldn't have thought of this myself, and I enjoyed every minute. Thank you for opening my ears, Michelle! It actually lasted for much longer than "just" during the storytelling. In fact the singing of the birds caught my attention much more than usual when I returned back home to my garden afterwards. Quite a nice side-effect. Today was one long day of gratitude.
Waking up to an entire day off. No plans at all. Making them up while executing - in slow motion. Feeling the joy of anticipation already when waking up. Long lazy breakfast in bed. Shopping at the local organic farm, and the nearby plant nursery. Working in the garden, and baking my first non-sugar rhubarb-banana-strawberry cake ever. |
January 2016
GratitudeGratitude is a 2015 Project that was launched January 1. 2015. You can read more about it by following this link. I would absolutely love for you to follow this blog. If you feel the same way pls. go ahead and enter your e-mail here below: